
Deep thoughts, cheap shots and bon mots - lucky XIII

From Michelle Bachman: "I'll tell you one thing, if I was ever to run for president of the United States, I think the first thing I would do in the first debate is offer my birth certificate, so we can get that off the table." Don't worry, honey, we know there ain't any other country around that could produce a similarly "viable" Presidential candidate or that would see such a ridiculous "issue" crop up in the first place!

I know this is futile (RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! - that should have been my blog title), but seriously do we have to see SO much speculation, handicapping, and all that crap on the 2012 Prez election that is still EIGHTEEN MONTHS away? I mean jeez, a woman could get pregnant, have a baby, and do it all again another time! Fucking chill!

Well it certainly didn't take me long to chase off one of the (two) staff we had at Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly (oh yeah, we're working on re-branding!). Just as I was starting to fear that this young woman would be "difficult," she gave me a two-week notice as she had a "really good" offer to move on for more money. On the plus side, that means I will have selected 2 of the 3 folks helping me, so yay on that. (rubbing hands together evilly while thinking how to chase off the last one)

Okay, seriously now, are GOPigs so selfish and concerned with their tax breaks that this all-too-typical GOP front runner's comment isn't laughed all the way to the loser line: "Now is not the time for a president who wants to think; now is the time we need to act." - Rudy Giulani This is trumped only by Newt Gingrich's recent "Obama is weak! I would immediately institute a 'no-fly' zone over Libya," only to COMPLETELY reverse himself once Obama did that. Seriously, ANYONE that "respects" Newt Gingrich deserves as much scorn and ridicule as the man himself.

Here's an example of something ridiculously obvious and should be easy to fix to help CA's budget "difficulties" - apparently, the state hasn't been good about enforcing the maximum paid vacation time a retiring/fired/moving on state worker can collect. It's bad enough that the cap is 640 hours (or 16 fucking weeks!), but that recent individual hogs could collect over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS in unused vacation time in the past year, is just obscene. In fact, with an exception of something like 2 weeks, I don't see why we couldn't implement a "use it or lose it" policy for state workers in regards to vacation time. Vacation should be to help you rest & re-charge to be able to continue doing your job--not as a gravy train golden parachute.

BTW, can someone remind me why we're still kissing Pakistan's ass and sending them so much money? It's been WELL documented that the money and "aid" we're sending is being "re-directed" (i.e., stolen). They continue to threaten and imprison our people. They loathe and abuse us over there (barely 21% of the country has a decent opinion of the U.S.). And so on. I mean, seriously, I'm all about "helping thy neighbor" and what not - but not the neighbor that's stealing your shit, beating and killing you, and basically saying "Fuck you!" in response to your assistance. Is this supposed to be more change we can believe in? Oh wait, it's same old same old.

Moving west, isn't it nice how NATO/the U.S. has decided to help support the Libyan rebels? Lord knows, we gotta prop peeps that stand up against an oppressor - oh wait, it depends on if we "like" the oppressor. In Yemen, there is a very similar dynamic going on as in Libya - long-time despot (30+ years) dealing with daily protests and demands for his ouster, brutal crackdowns and attacks on his own people, etc. But you won't see us stepping in any time soon for a "no-fly" or similar over there. And why? Well, the Yemeni despot is a U.S. buddy/ally. Whew! Permission to continue persecuting your people granted, big guy! Shoot 'em up! Obama is too busy pressuring European "allies" to not prosecute Bush/Cheney for war crimes coz.....well......coz that would bring about change we can believe in. Can't have that.

Finally, although this shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, I saw a really good analysis on the Tea Party, particularly the demographics of the folks involved, that basically sums up the "movement" as one of the selfish. Makes sense, then, for them to be in the "GOP Big Tent." Tea Partiers are overwhelmingly white, middle class, older, and employed--in other words, the demographic MOST likely to have health insurance already. We won't even mention their supposedly "Christian" identification since the selfishness they espouse is so VERY "un-Christian.

The article sums up their/GOP "anti-guvmint" policies as the distinction between the government that works for "us" and then that liberal government that "redistributes" to "them." For "us," we've already got our "Socialist" Medicare, our Social Security, our Defense contracts providing "make work" (i.e., welfare) jobs, etc. etc. etc.

But BY GAWD, if you try to give anything to "them" (i.e., non-white and/or poor), well then it's doomsday and it's time to get the guns and hurl the racial epithets and protest and mis-quote founding fathers, and threaten violence coz by golly by giving to "them" you just might, MIGHT, have to take something from "us," and by golly just cuzzin I go to church don't mean I really believe in that Socialist crap that Jesus spews. Humph!

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