
Deep thoughts, cheap shots, and bon mots the ninth

Okay, I'll admit it: I cried at the end of "Toy Story 3." I'd read several references to grown men crying at the end of this movie, and I couldn't imagine what scene would elicit such (at least relatively) universal emotion. Don't worry, no spoiler here: I'm still kind of at a loss as to why I was so affected. Anyone have any thoughts?

As many of you know, I'm a big fan of "Harper's Index." Here's a few items from the latest list that are pretty "compelling" (IMHO):

Total campaign contributions Barack Obama received from BP between 2004 and 2009: $77,051; Number of politicians who accepted more in donations from BP during that period: 0

Factor by which BP's 2010 first-quarter profits exceeded its $75 million liability cap for the Gulf oil spill: 75 (remember, that's profits from ONE quarter)

Percentage of "willful" violations by U.S. oil refiners since 2007 that occured at BP plants, according to OSHA: 97

Percentage of their personal income Americans paid in taxes last year: 17; Last year in which Americans paid so little: 1971

Moving on: One of the cool/fun/weird things about San Francisco is having your heater running during the cold July evenings and then hearing the next day about the sweltering heat wave going on throughout a good chunk of the country. Weird.

Speaking of July, how the hell is it that it’s already over? I mean, seriously, it’s August already? Before you know it, the effing Chirstmas displays will be up! I’m not out of debt yet, dammit! If someone would buy this scooter off me, that would help – why won’t anyone buy my scooter? (sad, large yet disneyanthromorphized animal eyed look).

A plus to it being August is that means just one month until college football season (mmmmm, college football). I feel really good about Landry Jones this year – girly mustache or not; and for those of you who didn’t get that reference……well, I pity you.

BTW, have I mentioned yet how much I hate the latest incarnation of Word? It’s like Microsoft goes out of their way to makes things even worse – even less intuitive. Remember back in the day when Microsoft actually had real, live competitors? I miss WordPerfect. And while I’m at it, Publisher sucks ass, too. I could stomach a monopoly of quality, but a monopoly of crap? That’s like taking the worst of American and Chinese capitalism and mixing it together, pouring it into a bloated, stinking, disease-infested rat, and waiting for it to come out the other end so it can be served to all the poor people that are required for capitalism to be a viable system.

Boy, Microsoft leads to foul thinking, doesn’t it? (shaking head sadly)

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