
Obama's Health Care Speech

I wanna know what he just said to Hillary, coming in, coz she busted out laughing. Did anyone hear?

You know, seeing Biden up there, I actually like him more now than in the past when he was a boring old Senator. His supposed “gaffe problem” at least means he’s more genuine than most of the liars in office these days.

Can’t decide if I like that brooch thing at Michelle’s neck or not, but I know I don’t like Obama’s striped tie.

I have to say, it is still weird/cool to see him up there as President of the United States, to see the sycophantic ovations over his very basic opening remarks, etc.

Okay, I do like the line, “I’m not the first president to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last.” Good luck with that, Barack!

Cool fact about John Dingell (D-MI) and his dad (google them if you missed it; although you;ll also disover an unpleasant fact about the dad if/when you do).

Oh, crap - getting insurance on your own costs 3X what employers pay for your coverage?? I have to get my own coverage for my new job; gotta change that! J

The stories are appalling! And people have the gall to trash the British, Canadian, French, etc. systems as something to fear? Gawd!

Haha--Pelosi smiled when Obama said “no one disputes these facts.”

Gotta admit, he just made a compelling argument for “a middle way.” Dammit!

Nice little bit of scolding on the bickering. Boehner looks unhappy over that; of course, he still looks orange, too - I wonder what health issue HE has? Oh yeah, George Hamiltonism!

Ah, the pre-existing condition thing; THAT is a biggy. Oooh, dropping you when you’re sick; that’s another one. It’s ludicrous we have to even fight for things like this.

Nice graphic showing the link to the details of what he wants: http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/health_care/plan/

Snap! Give Americans the same oppt’y Congress gives itself!

Awww, he threw a bone to McCain. Cute.

Oooh, called out that….that….oooh, I’m trying to keep this PG….that Palin woman on her stupid “death panels” thing.

Key point: it’s outrageous beyond belief that health care should be a profit-driven enterprise. Disgusting!

Good comparison re: the public option with public vs. private colleges.

Oooh, called out the Repubs to quit making up shit and to work together to address “legitimate” concerns.

Choice. Keep working that word, Mister Man! :)

Snap again on “making sure no insurance company bureaucrat or government bureaucrat gets between you and the health care you need.”

Wow, some loser congressman sitting next to Boehner is texting! Showed him again and he‘s still doing it! Gawd!

Talk about a miracle - for the first time probably ever Feinstein is one of the few women in the audience not wearing a red “power” outfit.

Interesting that the repubs in the house can’t even bring themselves to applaud protecting Medicare. They make me sick. But then so do the Democrats, in general. Ha.

You know, I do have to say that even tho it’s a “conservative” issue, I’m down with reforming our medical malpractice “problem.” Gasp! He said something the Bush administration proposed on this issue that he thinks is a good idea!

EXCELLENT point about those who feel “it’s better to kill this plan than improve it.”

“We will call you out.” He’s so hip! :)

Biden and Pelosi are tearing up over Teddy. I am too, a bit.

Ha! CNN doesn’t know who Chuck Grassley is!

Excellent finish. He needs to do this, be like this, more often. I’m back on board!

Hmm, dare I listen to CNN’s “analysis”??? I think not.

Wait, wow, I didn’t hear the inappropriate Congressman saying, “You lie” Jeez, how do these freaks get into office? Way to harsh my buzz, CNN.


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