
Medical Marijuana, Maher Mayhem, & More!

So as of the day I'm writing this, September 11th, I am "legal" to buy medical marijuana. I celebrated by finishing off the last of my "illegal" dope. But as I was leaning out the window, overlooking Hyde, and blowing smoke out, an older man across the street, middle-Eastern (irony alert!), stopped from walking up Hyde towards Sutter to look across the street where it seemed he looked right at my window/me.

So I just stood there, looking around, and of course assuming he's a terrorist because Rush says he fits the profile, and blah blah blah, before he slowly starts to walk off, but he keeps pausing to look across the street, and of course I could just be paranoid, but it did seem like he was looking at me/my window.

But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. :)

He turned east up Sutter, and went (skulked!) around the building on that corner, but I waited to see if he would pop back around to try and "catch" me or whomever he was gawking at. I decided, if he did that, I'd have to call the FBI on him.

But seriously, what's sad is, if I were someone like, say, Peter Krause in Civic Duty, I could probably make a big deal out of it. Which is just gross. Awful movie, BTW--and not just because of the stereotyping; I was actually embarrassed for Peter Krause. Anyway, as the movie does show very well, tho, this country is still very, very ill--despite Obama's optimistic speech.

Like with medical marijuana. I know for a fact that it helps me with my glaucoma--as well as the band that's still around my eye. And, also, lately, it has helped me from sliding into too deep of a depression worrying about Kyle.

But somehow, it's preferable to "medicate" those symptons with either chemicals in my eyes on a daily basis, and then Xanax or Paxil or Zoloft, blah blah blah--rather than something that grows naturally. I mean, I don't get it.

And, luckily, for all of its other problems, I'm fortunate enough to live in a state that allows for it. It's ludicrous that the Republicans can't get behind this coz then they can help control how it's taxed. And of course it'd bring in a buttload of money, and seriously curtail violence here and in Mexico over the trade. I mean, honestly, what century are we living in?

Why are we letting, why did we ever let, a slack-jawed, dimwitted, electorate outmanuever "us?" (i.e., the 70% of the country that's NOT crazy--although I think Bill Maher might be generous using that percentage figure; see link at end).

Yeah, Obama won, and maybe he'll get something done on health care, but where's the big symbolic gesture that could be made, that would cost nothing but a "stamp of approval" from him or an executive order? I'm not even suggesting it had to be in support of legalizing marijuana or gay marriage; I'm just saying that moments like this in history don't come around that often.

And the moment never proves to be more important than the follow-through. I mean, how could it? If he wanted to embrace the idea that he came in facing as great a challenge as FDR, then he should have been better prepared to move like FDR did when he took office--to immediately put the Republicans on the defensive reacting to policy change announcements, drafts of legislation, executive orders, bully puplit speaking, etc.

And I'm only angry because of how badly--how very badly--Bush responded/took all the universal goodwill felt toward the United States after 9/11 and not only squandered it, but beat it to a pulp and fed it to jackals and crows. Word.

Freaky coincidence. The day after I wrote the above, a friend forwarded me the following video--Maher said it almost as well as I did! :) Click here.

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