
SoC while watching "Inside Job"

"Inside Job" sat next to my TV longer than any movie outside of "A Clockwork Orange" - I was THAT scared of watching it. I will consider it a major disappointment if it does not enrage me. :) On the plus side, Blockbuster scored almost as much for me holding on to this movie as Netflix did for "Clockwork."

Oh yeah, I forgot about so many people losing their life's savings.

Reminder for all those folks saying that European Socialism is no better: note that Europe started going in the toilet only after they started adopting uber-Capitalistic policies and thieveries.

Oh yeah, Matt Damon is the narrator. Kewl. And some pretty powerful quotes during the opening credits.

Ah yes, the unintended and yet telling throwaway line "Since the 1980s..." in reference to the rise of the financial industry. Remind me again why people want to lionize that monster Reagan? Morning in America, my ass--he initiated America's sunset. Thanks again, Ronnie! (altho Clinton was no better, and Obama is also in Wall Street's pocket).

Oh wow, I actually forgot that some of the S&L guys were punished. But we can't do that now. Wouldn't be prudent.

Um, who knew that these big financial companies were heavily fined for artificially inflating internet stocks, thus creating the internet bust and the last big financial crisis, and as part of their "penance" they promised never to do it again? I did not know that. I didn't think it was possible for my contempt to grow for these scumbags.

WTF? Citibank laudered Mexican drug money? Credit Suisse funds Iranian weapons and nuclear facilities in direct violation of U.S. law? Well, as long as they're not a homeless Black guy stealing a donut...

Oh man, Enron. Derivatives. Larry Summers. Talk about your unholy trinity. Disgusting! A low-level Clinton staffer actually tried to staunch the bleeding and she was basically destroyed by Summers, and financial cronies wrote U.S. legislation banning the regulation of derivatives. That was the beginning of the end.

Sub-prime loans. The biggest financial bubble in history. Simply because of evil and greed. And OMFG the OBSCENE salaries for these guys who were knowingly working together to fuck whoever they could simply for more money. Disgusting beyond belief. But let's not punish anyone!

Oh wow, what a coincidence, the SEC was basically gutted during this time. Who says government is in bed with business?

It is absolutely astonishing to listen to some of these things. The numbers are unfathomable. The selfishness and greed is titanic. The COMPLETE lack of ethics. It's gross.

Reason alone for the Revolution: the guys who were gambling away your life savings were using their bonuses to snort coke off of hookers' asses. How satisfying is THAT, latest homeless woman?

Oh god, the ultimate. I almost forgot. When Goldman Sachs was selling crap derivatives and swaps and then actively betting against them - to get immediate short-terms profits and then a bonus when the mortgage/their own product failed. SO. FUCKING. GROSS.

OMG, I didn't realize the extent of the credit rating agencies' culpability!! I swear to god, if every American were forced to watch this movie, the country would be ON FIRE. And deservedly so.

Hmmm, there were major warnings by many important economists, as well as the IMF, for three years ahead of time? What a bunch of Chicken Littles!

OMFG I didn't know about the Bush administration's bungling of the Lehman bankruptcy. Unbelievable!

Oh, the Predatory Lending! It's like all the different evil things wrapped up in a completely amoral ball of shit. Ugh, esp now that they're doing a laundry list of the slimy CEOs salaries and BONUSES while they were destroying the economy. Let me repeat that: not only were the criminals responsible for ruining millions and millions of lives and savings NOT prosecuted, but they were REWARDED. God bless America!

Wow, to listen to this Chinese woman talk about the U.S. led worldwide recession causing her to lose her "high dollar" factory job where she was making $75 a month! I think that sums up everything and China, too!

Oh. My. God. THIS is where the 99% came from! The stats are creepy!

Quelle suprise - Obama "negotiated away" real reform and then put that crony Geithner in office. There is NO way I will vote for Obama now if for no other reason than his refusal to go after these disgusting, greedy, evil, selfish, corrupt, law-breaking assholes. OMFG, Summers is still Obama's economic advisor? INCREDIBLE!

Wow, Matt's final words make me feel like a piece of shit for not doing more. Guess I gotta get more involved with Occupy!

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