
Election Reflections and What to Do Now

It’s as difficult to express as it is to believe: the astonishing depths that the political and governing processes have sunk to in this country. Artificial constructs (i.e., corporations) have human rights and can basically buy elections while two boys can’t kiss for fear of being bullied into suicide; people are allowed to vote even though they ignorantly swallow the most preposterous lies—or, worse yet, know about the lies but don’t care just because they could see themselves having a beer with the guy.

The scariest thing is things will continue to devolve—it’s only a matter of time before they start impeachment proceedings. The cynicism and hypocrisy is so stupefyingly appalling as to be basically inconceivable—or at least, you wouldn’t want to try and understand it coz you’d probably go insane if you’re a decent human being.

And that brings me to the single most disgusting aspect of the GOP and the people that vote for them. They bray incessantly about their “Christian values” while they consistently vote against the pillars of Christian values: helping the lesser among us, loving everyone, not worshiping money, etc. To see those ignorant Tea Party yokels wrapped in their Christian virtue while foaming at the mouth at the idea that someone might get something for free (food or health care or whatever) just makes me want to wrap my hands around their tremendously fat throats and squeeze the ignorance out of them. Oh, oops, excuse me.

That “Family Values” Christian Congressman in Louisiana is Exhibit A: he trafficked with hookers and was STILL re-elected—undoubtedly with an overwhelming percentage of the votes of self-identified Christians. Proven breaker of at least 2 commandments, but by golly he hates them there queers so…

Oklahoma is like the poster child for this: both of their Senators are, frankly, evil hateful old bastards who are a shame to the human race. They’re tremendous haters, work hard to defeat any kind of legislation that will give something to a fellow human being, etc. etc. etc., yet call themselves Christian and smugly and cynically manipulate people into voting for them with platitudes and falsehoods. They’re despicable beyond belief, and a classic example of why I no longer live in Oklahoma. In fairness, I know many wonderful, caring, fabulous people in Oklahoma but that just makes me even sadder to see them lumped in with the other yahoos.

Tea Party kook Rand Paul, who doesn’t believe in ANY government regulation now represents a state where an astonishingly large number of miners die every year. In other words, just because of jingoism and either cluelessness or evil, Kentuckians basically voted to help ensure more of their fellow citizens would die. I guess you guys just told Obama what’s what!

But in the end, what makes it most appalling is that ultimately, supposedly, this is a referendum on the economy, and enough people are still so incredibly clueless about the facts that they vote against their own interests!

Facts bear out that the U.S. economy does much better, overall, under Democratic administrations. And yet, once again, incredibly, the Republicans waved the flag around, demonized the queers, mocked the giving Democrats, and convinced people to return them to power to continue the complete dismantling of America’s moral authority as a nation that began with Reagan. Congratulations!

I was silly/hopeful enough after attending the SF Rally to Restore Sanity, and after seeing the huge turnout in DC, to think that the reactionary forces were overblown or would be beaten back. Oh well.

Thank god the Giants won the Series. I’ve never lived in a city while the local team was winning a series. It’s pretty cool. The one bright spot.

In the end, the media shoulders a huge chunk of the blame. I won’t even go into Fox news – they are so contemptible and w/o integrity they don’t even deserve to be called a media outlet. But it’s not like the others are any better: MSNBC is trying to be just like Fox on the other extreme.

The state of the media is best summed up in the opening paragraph of Chapter 7, The Media: Democracy's Guardian Angel from “America” the spoof textbook from Comedy Central. To whit:

"A free and independent press is essential to the health of a functioning democracy. It serves to inform the voting public on matters relevant to its well-being. Why they've stopped doing that is a mystery. I mean, 300 camera crews outside a courthouse to see what Kobe Bryant is wearing when the judge sets his hearing date, while false information used to send our country to war goes unchecked? What the fuck happened? These spineless cowards in the press have finally gone too far. They have violated a trust. "Was the president successful in convincing the country?" Who gives a shit? Why not tell us if what he said was TRUE? And the excuses. My God, the excuses! "Hey, we just give the people what they want." "What can we do, this administration is secretive." "But the last season of Friends really is news." The unmitigated gall of these weak-willed...You're supposed to be helping us, you indecent piles of shit! I...fuck it. Just fuck it..."

For suggestions on what to do, check out this excellent piece from the head of CREDO:


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