
Economic Epiphany & A Solution to Our Woes

So I had this little epiphany the other day that made me just LAUGH—and, amazingly, it was an economic epiphany, and I HATE economics. For real. But of course it’s the true U.S. religion, so I still have to think about it.

Almost constantly.

I mean, seriously, think about how very much time you spend thinking about money: having it or not having it, bills, The Economy, health care costs (coz, amazingly, STILL, the U.S. considers health care a commodity and not a right—thanks for sticking to your guns on that, Barack!), taxes, moneymoneymoney.

ANYWAY, what I realized—which probably most people figured out long before I just did—is that the United States is now officially “too big to fail.” I keep hearing about the TRILLIONS of dollars the Chinese are holding in U.S. Bonds, and blah blah blah they could call them in and wreck our economy omg omg omg, what are we going to….ooooh, Lost is on!

But of course our Chinese Overlords don’t gain by wrecking our economy because of the TREMENDOUS trade deficit we have with them already. It’s like giving up owning us now AND later just to own a wrecked shell of us immediately? Pffft. We all know how patient they are. Aesop tried to warn us, but noooo…

As a matter of fact, the Chinese only have to worry if we continue to flounder much longer, or just start circling the drain on our own—then they have to decide if/when to intervene. In a way, it’s kind of exciting to be on the other end of this story we so often have wrought on others.

But for TRUE irony, say that, somehow, in some quasi-subservient economic colony way, we come under the rule of the Chinese. Communist China. You remember Communism? That wretchedly botched experiment that certainly didn’t end up anything like “true” Communism that we “defeated” in 1989ish?

Could they get the last laugh?

That’s why I say we dismantle the current governing structure and set up a loose confederation of nation-states that allows for more true diversity of governments, policies, etc., and provides for a happier populace as each area is governed by “their own kind.”

I’m thinking something like Hawaii, Alaska, California and Texas (and possibly Florida) each become nations, with the South, New England, the Great Lakes Region, the Mountains/Plains and the Pacific Northwest making up the rest.

I don’t see this as “destroying” the “union.” I see this as restoring sanity to a system and a citizenry gone mad; as a way for people to feel more vested in their government; and yes, a way to eventually escape the fate of all other over-large empires before us.

So how do I start one of those petitiony things? :)

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