

So what are you calling it? Two thousand ten or twenty ten? I read something the other day that says it's "gauche" to say "twenty ten," but it will be "acceptable" to say "twenty-twenty" once that hits! Who makes this shit up?

So I know many people pooh-pooh the idea of New Year's Resolutions "Blah, blah, I don't need an artificial marker to improve myself," "Blah, blah, no one ever sticks to them anyway," "Blah blah leave me alone I'm a Scrooge," etc.

And I validate those people. But for me, and despite all my railing against "following the crowd," I confess to making them.

I DO like the artificialy construct that "forces" people to evaluate who they are, where they've been, where they're going, how they'd like to improve, etc. And yeah, I have problems sticking to them, too, but they've also been helpful!

So with that in mind, my big three for this year, and which I could certainly use help with for any volunteers:

1) Get out of debt. Looking back, no I should not have taken 3 international trips in 2009 (yes, I'm including the Alaska cruise, coz we stopped in Hell [i.e., Prince Rupert, Canada] on the way, and yes living alone in the City is STILL horrible expensive, but I did finally get rid of my car and once i get my tax refunds, I'll be at least within spitting distance of being debt free once again. Now if I could just stop buying stuff I don't need!

2) Eat better. I've been making progress on this, but the more I read and hear about our food supply (particularly meat) and the more I talk to people who eat more healthy in terms of how they feel, and what not, I'm hoping to make more progress this year. I already have stopped buying meat when I go shopping, and am limiting myself to eating it when I go out to no more than twice a month.

I could never go vegan, but I'm hoping to at least be close to a vegetarian with the caveat that if I know the meat is locally-produced, cruelty free, AND organic, then that's still okay. No, it's not a rationalization, it's coz I still LIKE meat; I just don't like shit-encrusted, disease and chemical-ridden meat obtained through the mindless slaughter of live animals.

3) Socialize more with PEOPLE and less with MACHINES. While I still feel smug about being "unattached" to a phone/ipod/blackberry/whatever, I still spend too much time online, or home alone. I'm going to try and re-institute my monthly game night, accept as many social invitations as I can (hint, hint), and entertain more myself.

It's scary and sad how much people keep only to themselves and their "devices." I thought humans were supposed to be social creatures??


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