
Excalibur's Parking Spot

So tonight there's this small parking spot on Hyde, right out the dining room window where I sit with my laptop. I happened to glance out and saw a van trying to get in it and I scoffed just before they gave up and took off.

It stayed empty for awhile until a jeepish kind of car/thing tried very hard to get in it. Of course, from my vantage point, I could tell they were just this much too big--and I don't mean much. And, in the end, if they had spent another 20-30 minutes, they might have gotten in there, but by gawd they gave it the old college try. I've never seen a Jeep crab like that!

But the sad thing is, if they had finally made it in there, the pickup truck in front of them would have never been able to get out if they tried to leave first--as they were bumper to bumper with the car in front of them. But do you think those guys would have cared if they'd been able to get in? I'm guessing not.

Anyway, after a while, the two jeep boys gave up (and it took them awhile to get back out!), and another car, smaller finally, made the effort. It was a fairly tight fit, but anyone with any decent parallel parking skills (c'est moi!) woudn't have a problem.

This dude had a problem.

A serious problem.

His buddy got out to "help" direct him, but all he basically ended up doing was comically clapping his hands to his head and shrieking when his buddy backed--repeatedly--into the van parked behind. Then, at the end, and for good measure I suppose, he rammed the bumper of the pick up in front of him. Moral of the story: Drive a MINI.

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