
Deep thoughts, cheap shots, and bon mots - the second

So whose clever idea was it for me to move back in to the City, start grad school back up again, and start a new job back at Director level, all within the course of a month? I mean, I do like keeping busy, but....

Anyway, as a result, my blogging is going to be scaled back to twice a week--at least for now. Yeah, I know, boo hoo! :)

In other news, for some reason--so far, at least--I have yet to be capable of writing about what's going on with Kyle. I guess it's just so appalling I want to escape thinking about it as much as possible. What's wild is I'm hearing from quite a few people that his/our story is not really so unusual--at least in regards to Kyle's...er...um...."lack of succes." Can't decide if that makes me feel better or not.

Saw "The Hoax" the other night and am struck at another example of the decline and fall of the American Empire. In "the old days" we had much more interesting crazy rich people like Howard Hughes - which makes the descent to Paris Hilton that much more deplorable.

Although I'm a little late to the party, I have to agree that "Mad Men" is an excellent show. The acting, the sense of place (NYC), and especially time (1960)....and my GAWD the smoking! It's amazing to think people used to smoke like that! And the sexism! Unbelievable!

So I've finally come up with a good, simple, and yet comprehensive, driving rule that will address a myriad of issues--from people not utilizing the left lane on the highway properly, to taking corners too slowly, to not turning right on red, to not accelerating on hills to maintain their speed, etc. The new rule is this: Just Get The Fuck Out of My Way! Look for it soon in the CA DMV manual.

Have to give a shout out to District 9 - definitely one of the more original Sci-Fi movies I've seen in some time. And also has some telling lessons on compassion, bigotry, and just what it is that makes us human.

Finally, I don't know if it's the worsening civility in this country, but I find myself considering turning vigilante. As most of you may know, parking in the City is a challenge at best. So it is all the more frustrating and annoying to see the losers who park right in the middle of a space between two driveways, when if they'd just pulled forward or backwards, another car could fit in front or behind. I saw just such a scenario tonightright across the street from my apartment.

I was in such a rage I wanted to either let the air out of a tire or even key the effing car! Instead, I left a snitty note on their windshield "thanking" them for being so considerate and warning them that if I saw them parked like that again, I wouldn't be so "forgiving" next time.

So here's my question: technically, what they did is not illegal--and yet, they have a neghborhood parking sticker, they have to know how difficult it is to find parking and now they've been--granted, not so politely--chastised; so would I be justified in "punishing" them if I saw them do it again? Discuss.

I honestly feel like part of why people are so selfish and clueless nowadays is because no one is called on their shit and we've been "psyched out" of using shame anymore. When I was young, I was definitely made to feel ashamed when I did something wrong. There was none of this "validation of my feelings" and/or concern to not send one into a "shame spiral." And that's probably why people like Venus Williams and Kanye West and that dick of a SC congressman pull the shit they do.


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