
Reflections on China

I went for a Sunday breakfast at this place called “Spur Steak Ranches” – a Native American-themed South African chain down the street in the Pioneer Mall (it’s like I’m living in the Old West!).  My booth was adjacent to one with a trio of Chinese ex-pats and we both had the same waiter – a very polite young man that provided good service (the service here in the restaurants has so far been very good).  After making a total mess of their table, getting a doggie bag (Really? Who takes home leftovers from breakfast?), etc., they completely stiffed the waiter.  He was clearly shocked and actually called them out to see if maybe they’d forgotten – he wasn’t mean or aggressive about it, more like shocked and hurt.  Of course the Chinese guy he was following away from their booth just gave him an incredibly smug and condescending smile, while digging in his teeth with a toothpick – making NO attempt to be discreet about it, either, of course.

Boy did that take me back! And upon reflection, it’s nearly impossible for me to convey in words the contempt I feel for the Chinese (in China) on a macro level after living among them.  Yes, most of the people I worked with at Disney were okay, but they themselves will admit they are “different.”  And yes, there are assholes in America, too – a lot of them.  But, again, on a macro level – on a “per capita” basis – the (mainland) Chinese are rude, selfish, disgustingly uncouth and often appallingly unhygienic, arrogant, savage, clueless, mean-spirited, selfish, hateful, inconsiderate, racist, and xenophobic, I could go on and on.  It reminds me of the line in “Gone With The Wind” when Scarlett O’Hara laments, “Oh, I just can’t think of anything bad enough to call you!”  And if you think I’m exaggerating, I could give you person after person after person who will back me up – and not just other Americans.

Multiple people have now told me (and not just Disney English folks or Westerners that I met while living there) they didn’t like the kind of person they were turning into after spending much time around the Chinese. And what makes it all ten times worse is their laughable arrogance.  They genuinely believe they are a “superior” people.  And while that may have been true several hundred years ago, it’s not even close to being true today – and not by a long shot  (Of course, America is certainly not close to being a “superior” country/civilization itself, so it’s not like I’m trying to slam another country to build “my own” up).  Granted, said arrogance comes from their parochialism and cluelessness--but living amongst them, experiencing the appalling level of their overall assholery and savagery, it is just that much more horrible to experience when they are SO unaware of the sheer scope of their douchebaggery. Or incompetence. The banks, postal system, etc. are all laughably inefficient and seem to be run by morons. There’s an almost comic “am I being punked?” paranoia, inefficiency, and bureaucracy. And don’t get me started on their shoddy construction!

And if you think I’m being unduly harsh, note: even other Chinese feel the same way!  Go to Hong Kong and talk to the Chinese there and they will sniff disdainfully when discussing “mainlanders.”  Ditto for Taiwan.  My friend Bex stayed with a Chinese family during a trip to Hong Kong and mentioned she had a 2-bedroom apartment if they ever wanted a place to stay in Guangzhou.  They looked at her as if she was insane and basically said, “Oh, ewww, we don’t go to the mainland!”  While on the one hand it seems silly to go through passport control between Guangzhou, China and Hong Kong, China, it really IS like a different country.  No smell.  Efficient.  Clean.  Etc.  Singaporeans, about 70% Chinese, are so disdainful of their mainland cousins, they won’t rent to them – finding them to be many of the things I’ve mentioned above.

And while I’m “enlightening” folks about the Chinese, let’s dispel a few myths:  Industrious and hard-working?  HA!   I mean, I thought people were “lazy” in Hawai’i – but there it really IS more about “island style” kind of living.  Just mellow and chill.  The Chinese – again, on a macro level, with exceptions that prove the rule – are not only grossly incompetent in many, many areas, but also supremely lazy. I saw people asleep there EVERYWHERE – and at every time of day.  In fact, more than one local I met, actually bragged about how lazy they are!  Seriously! You may ask, “But how do they throw up a 50 story office tower in 3 months?”  Duh, it’s easy when you put 10,000 slaves on it and have them do a half-ass job.  Almost everything is done in a shoddy manner with cut-rate materials and—apparently—zero quality control.

That old chestnut about the Chinese being a patient people?  Hahahahahahahaha.  I can only imagine this may have been the case hundreds of years ago, but, man, if you thought Americans were impatient…..the drivers will honk at you for slowing down to turn a corner. And while part of why they may push ahead of you in the food line, store, metro, elevator, cab, etc. is just because they enjoy being assholes, they just can’t be bothered to wait for ANYTHING.  One of the few “joys” I had there – and, again, tempered by the fact that they’re just such assholes – was watching when their impatience warred with their laziness.  It’s truly a satisfying sight to behold – as well as to try to antagonize.  Seriously, I totally get the folks who say they couldn’t stay longer amongst the Chinese coz they didn’t like the kind of person they were turning into.  I took malicious glee in blocking someone from trying to shove past/ahead of me to get on the Metro, would deliberately punch the “door close” button on the elevator when I saw someone entering my lobby, etc. 

And they put the group before the individual?  Don’t make me laugh! Again, I thought Americans reigned supreme when it came to a “Me first” mentality – but they are mere amateurs compared to the Chinese.  Unless you’re an immediate family member (and even that’s iffy), they would just as soon let a building full of children burn down if it meant them not getting to the front counter to get their fucking rice that very moment—in fact, they’d probably be ecstatic/think they won a prize, if people ahead of them rushed to put out the fire because then they’d get their food quicker.  Of course I’m being silly coz no Chinese person would rush to help put out a fire—hell, if one of their fellow human beings passes out on the train in front of them, they can’t get away fast enough.  Witness:

We used to have debates at DE about whether they are assholes or just stupid in a completely clueless way.  The drivers do astonishingly stupid things on a regular basis.  They genuinely don’t seem to understand how elevators work, often pushing both the up AND down buttons to (I guess?) get it to come quicker.  And then going ahead and getting on when it’s going the opposite direction (to “save a space” I suppose?) w/o even bothering to look/realize the other elevator is a couple floors away and headed in the direction they want. My building had two elevators that were constantly busy and you’d have to wait for.  But if both happened to come down to the lobby at the same time, and say about 4 individuals were waiting, they would deliberately “split up” and take both elevators to not have to ride with too many of their fellow human beings, even if it meant both elevators then working their way up 20+ floors meaning new people coming in the building would be forced to wait.  They will consistently line up straight out from a building to get lunch, completely blocking the sidewalk, rather than lining up perpendicular to said building/along the sidewalk.  Again: stupid or just asshole?  They will stand right on top of arrows at the Metro facing the other way – staring straight at signs that say don’t block the entrance, don’t push, civil ride, etc.  Despite repeated pleas in the office for the young women to quit spending 20-30 minutes at a time in the one staff toilet on their cell phones, doing their hair (when it could be done in the locker room), etc. when teachers would be trying to squeeze in a pee between classes, they would continue to do so – again: stupid or just asshole?  They will do major repairs, banging and working on their apartments from 1-5 in the morning, despite repeated pleas to be quiet.  Again, I could go on and on. 

Obviously, no country is perfect.  I mean, can an American really judge any other country considering, for example, our own horrific prison system?  Or the endemic racism?  The out-of-control cops.  The outrageous violence and constant killing.  The continued welfare billions for huge corporate farms while cutting food stamps.  “Standing your ground” against black kids or Alzheimer’s victims.  The fact that the Iraq war could have fully funded social security.  The stupid media obsessions with things like that asshole on Duck Dynasty or Obama taking a selfie.  Although I didn’t spend a LOT of time there, my sense is the Nordic countries are the ones doing it “right” – on the whole. And I’ll certainly be curious to see how Lesotho “stacks up” considering its own challenges.  But at the end of the day, I’m definitely glad to be out of China – and, considering the continued implosion, not too unhappy about being out of the states, as well.

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