So I've taken my last road trip as a driver. I just don't have the patience for the stupidity on the highways. A nice Thanksgiving holiday in Reno was ruined by the SIX HOUR drive to get back. Yes, there were a lot of cars on the road, but said roads were clear, and the crawling, stop-and-go (mostly stop) traffic was due solely to the bovine ignorance of drivers moving back and forth among the lanes, trying to "gain" a little ground. I mean, seriously, how stupid can you be to not realize that by blocking/slowing down traffic to move back and forth between the lanes YOU are what's causing the slowdown? Doi!
And don't get me started on the COMPLETE ignorance regarding proper use of the left lane on the highway. The cluelessness, selfishness, etc. of fat heads who just troll along in the left lane when people keep passing them on the right is both astonishing and disgusting. I made Kyle promise to lobotomize me if I ever suggest another road trip where I'm doing the driving!
Is it just all the boomers turnings into timid old geezers on the road or what? Ugh!
As for Reno, it is what it is - a poor man's Vegas, but driving distance to SF! I did do my first ever BLACK FRIDAY while there, but had no problems. Probably mostly coz I waited until after 11am! But I hit Best Buy, Michaels, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target and only had a "real" wait at Michaels of all places!
Can't imagine ever doing the insanity of getting up at 3/4 am, so maybe that's why it was a bit of a letdown, but it's a letdown I can live with!
Back on the home front:
Oh. My. God. That new football coach on Glee looks exactly like the Ugly Stepsister in the Shrek movies. Anyone know if they planned that?
I don’t know which is the worst of this trio: The idea that Bristol Palin would even be considered a “star” and thus “eligible” to “compete” on Dancing With the Stars, or the idea that there would be a “conspiracy” to keep her voted on (she’s “scoring” the lowest, by god!), or the fact that so many people would even care! I mean, seriously, if people took the time and energy they expended on such ludicrous subjects as this and devoted it to volunteering or trying to better themselves in some way, maybe this country wouldn’t be so fucked up.
And spare me the outrage over the TSA’s new screening procedures. If they had happened to implement this while a Republican were in office, there’d be no outcry—or, excuse me, the outcry would be SHOUTED DOWN BY DITTOHEADS AND BECK FREAKS BECAUSE BY GOD WE NEED TO BE SAFE AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT YOU CAN LEAVE, COMMIE GACK RAGE SLOBBER RANT SHRIEK HATE HATE HATE!!
Now the Wikileaks on the other hand - what fun! I mean, seriously, who is surprised at ANY of the "revelations?" Hell, there's shit we know about that's worse and we never really did anything about it (like, say, illegally selling arms to our enemy Iran, and then using that money to illegally go around Congress to fund gangsters in Nicaragua and so on). MAYBE, just maybe, this country's "diplomats/leaders" wouldn't do so much fucked up shit if they knew it would all come out. Oh wait, we actually torture people now, so I guess it really doesn't matter if it's leaked or not.
You know, I almost started to possibly think about maybe trying to talk myself into seeing that movie “127 Hours.” I’m sure it’s good—I like the Director, I like James Franco, etc. But I know I could not deal with the amputation scene. I mean, I have a STRONG will to live, but man-oh-man I don’t know that I’d be able to do that (shudder)--let alone watch someone else do it!
Even though I was on Facebook from its very early days, I have to say I’m astonished at how ubiquitous it is now. Particularly in terms of advertisers using it in “product placement” ways – and by encouraging you to “Like” their product on Facebook. Has any business ever had so many other businesses promoting it, providing free advertising, helping to expand its reach, etc.?? It’s astonishing.
As for Wiki-leaks again, the best part about the whole thing is the guy who started it says he's next going after Big Business! Yay!
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