
Food, Inc.

What a surprise – it all starts with McDonald’s.

And then Tyson, of course.

OMG, this one hayseed farmer in KY has 300,000 chickens! He admits that his chickens NEVER see daylight. He actually was going to let the filmers inside his chicken houses, but Tyson forbade him.

Oooh, a Perdue chicken farmer (Carole) is letting them in! But she has windows for these…OMG, look at all the chickens! And they’ve all been genetically engineered now so that even if they had much room to walk, their bones can’t support their genetically re-engineered mutant breasts!

OMG, the poultry companies have gotten their producers under debt peonage! And Carole’s contract was terminated when she wouldn’t “upgrade” to the darkened chicken houses to go farther in debt!

Wow, 30% of our land in this country is dedicated to growing corn?? WTF??

WHAT? Diapers even include corn? WTMF??? Corn is like the new master of the universe!

Gross! The avg. american eats 200 POUNDS of beef a year??

WTF? How can this cow not feel this guy digging around in its rumen? Oh ewwww, they’re showing it! And the cow is just standing there! Freak show!

Oh god, I’m never eating beef again.

WTF? In 1972 the FDA conducted 50,000+ inspections and a couple years ago less than 9,000? I mean, seriously, WTF?

OMG OMG OMG OMG the forklift shoving the half dead cow along the floor! OMG OMG OMG!!

A 2-year-old boy has to die to even TRY to pass a law restoring the USDA’s right to shut down a plant with REPEATED food safety violations? And it is STILL stuck in committee and not being passed? Could our government be more corrupt?

Oh god, I’m gonna puke.

Ewwwwwwwwwwww, ammonia in all our burgers! Excuse me YOUR burgers, coz I ain’t eatin’ another one in this country EVER again unless it’s local, organic, and cruelty free. Gross!

Good question - why can you get a whole (disgusting) burger from Mickey D’s for $1, but you can’t get a head of broccoli for a dollar? Not that I eat broccoli….

Gawd, we’re a nation of diabetics!

Ooooh, now we’re going to the largest slaughterhouse in the world! Goggles on, everybody, it’s hidden camera time!

Wow, that took a long time for me to get my hands down from my mouth in horrified shock. No more pork for me, now, either!

How ironic! NAFTA led to the U.S. flooding the Mexican market with corn, putting hundreds of thousands of Mexican farmers out of work who then had to sneak into the U.S. to work illegally in the horrific meat-packing plants slaughtering corn-fed cows. I guess this is the new Circle of Life.

How sweet – Wal-Mart is offering organic options now.

But only for economic reasons.

Of course.

Wow, it took this long to get to Monsanto (“Bringers of Agent Orange to Vietnam!”) and their disgusting, proprietary patenting of seeds! Not to mention their own paramilitary force to hunt down and punish farmers for saving seeds that don’t “belong” to them. I mean, seriously, how does this shit happen in a “free” society? I don’t get it!

This is unbelievable! I seriously can’t wrap my mind around what Monsanto has done, and is allowed to do! What part of a decent human consciousness allows this kind of shit to get inculcated into its society?

Gross! Clarence Thomas was a Monsanto lawyer and then later wrote the U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Monsanto to rape farmers and patent seeds? And he is just one example! This is obscene! Where is the rage?

OMFG, just when I thought it couldn’t get worse! Suing people and passing laws to prevent people from talking about/telling the truth about food if it harms the business? What kind of freakish Orwellian hell are we living in?


I can’t bear to watch all the special/extra features.

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