Q: Where are you going?
A: Montenegro!
Q: Monte...what?
A: You know, one of those former Yugoslavian Republics in the Balkans.
Q: Yugo...what?
A: Okay, back in 1918...
Q: History! Not interested! How long will you be there?
A: Heading to DC or Philly on October 1st for a couple of days "staging," and then off to Montenegro/Albania for about 3 months training before two years actual service. My service ends early December 2025.
Q: What's this about Albania?
A: Montenegro is a very small/very new country for Peace Corps, so right now the post is jointly run with neighboring Albania; much of training will take place in its nearby capital city of Tirana
Q: Okay, and what will you be doing?
A: Teaching English. Most likely in a primary school (K-9th), although they have some placements in secondary schools.
Q: Just teaching? Is that it?
A: Pffft, Not even. Also seminars for teachers, as well as developing and implementing other "non-traditional" learning events like English clubs, setting up English language resource centers, English teachers associations, etc. During the summer, developing and implementing summer camps and other youth development activities. PLUS secondary projects of my choice (I'm thinking of a drama club putting on two productions a year, and some authentic/sustainable tourism things).
Q: Cool. Can I come visit?
A: Absolutely! Give me a chance to get settled, find out where I'll be, etc.
Q: Okay, but is it WORTH coming all the way over there to see?
A: Well, sure, IMHO. But click HERE to see some pics and decide for yourself.
Q: Looks cool, but what else is in the area?
A: Well, personally, I'm excited to check out a lot of the "IA" countries I haven't yet been to while I'm over there: Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Slovenia, etc.)
Q: Awesome, but what if I don't want "roughing it" travel?
A: No worries. I'll be doing an NCL cruise some time in the summer of 24 in the area and then another one with Virgin Cruises in the summer of 25. And then happy to coordinate some extra time before and/or after any of those cruises for folks who want a more "in depth" look at Montenegro/other countries in the area.
Q: And can you help coordinate said travel? Will you still be doing your travel agent gig?
A: Absolutely. Still gotta make a little money to save for retirement--and one of the reasons I chose Montenegro was to check out the region as a possible retirement spot.
Q: This all sounds amazing. How can I help support you/your service?
A: I'm glad you asked! You can send me care packages of things I miss from the states/can't get over there (TBD), send books and/or other school supplies and/or fun little gifts/incentives for my students, get your kids/relatives' kids/school class to coordinate pen pal exchanges, etc.
Q: So you'll keep us posted om what you need?
A: Yep. I will be blogging from country a couple of times a month PLUS "retro" posts a couple of times a month comparing my service in Montenegro in the 21st century with my service in Kazakhstan way back in the late 1900s! 😁
Q: Cool, now I'm ready to join Peace Corps myself!
A: Awesome! Just click HERE.
Q: Okay, that last one wasn't really a question (smug snicker)
A: Piss off, hater! 😈