
Weeping forefathers!

It took a trip to Philadelphia to make me realize that Americans – on a “macro” level – are even more despicable than the mainland Chinese.  Yes, I still believe most of the mainland Chinese are rude, uncouth, selfish, etc., but the great unwashed masses of Americans – as clearly demonstrated by the latest election – are shamefully undeserving of the blood, sweat, and tears our forefathers spilled to make this country.

Unlike that commie SueLin Poh, I’m a big fan of American history, so my first ever trip to Philadelphia produced many a “lump in my throat” and “wet eye” moment. Being in the room where they debated and signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, going through the Liberty Bell center, hearing all the stories (most I knew, but some I didn’t), well, it was all very “impactful.”

Particularly inspiring was the story of Cesar Rodney – the guy on horseback on the Delaware quarter (yes, I am ashamed to admit I, too, assumed that was Paul Revere).  During the debate over the Declaration of Independence, they wanted unanimity, but a couple of states were hold-outs (e.g., New York).  Delaware’s two delegates at the convention were split, so the one in favor of independence got a message to Rodney—their 3rd delegate who was in Delaware quashing a loyalist uprising—that he was urgently needed to break the Delaware tie and push the other states into siding for independence.  Even though dude was sick, he got on a horse and rode 80 miles for 18 hours through a rainy thunderstorm and arrived at Independence Hall muddy, wet, tired, and seriously ill but just in time to break the Delaware tie which then led to the unanimous vote for Independence. 

Cue the stirring music and this awesome quote from John Adams after the Declaration was agreed on:  “I am well aware of the toil, and blood, and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory.”

Ravishing light and glory indeed.  Fast forward nearly 240 years:  We’ve had 63 straight months of economic expansion, we’re currently enjoying the longest period of private job sector growth in our nation’s history, unemployment has been nearly halved in the past 5 years, the stock market continues to set new records, the deficit has been cut by 2/3 in the same time period, spending is increasing at the slowest rate since Eisenhower, millions more Americans now have health insurance and healthcare costs have finally slowed down, we have the fewest soldiers in war zones in ten+ years,  Osama bin Laden’s been killed and there have been ZERO successful attacks by Al Qaeda in the U.S.  And yet, the majority of voters just elected a party that’s sole ideological tenet is to attack the Black guy. 

Think this “new” “leadership” will fix America’s aging infrastructure?  Ha! Don’t hold your breath.  Ready for banking reform? Action on climate change?  Immigration?  Gun violence?  Well, just keep on being “ready” coz you won’t see anything even close to approaching any of that in the next few years.

Don’t get me wrong, the Democrats are almost as despicable.  Running from a President who—granted—has not shown NEARLY enough leadership, rather than at least making an effort to tout the successes he’s managed to have while being blocked and bludgeoned at every opportunity.  Cowing to GOP bluster and evil.  Refusing to really stand up for the poor, the disenfranchised, women, etc.  They’re all despicable.  And this is what Rodney rode through the night for?

Our “system” is beyond corrupt and disgusting and dysfunctional.  Yes, money has helped rot it, yes slimy voter disenfranchisement and lowest-common-denominator/negative campaigning has led to the crippling inertia, but what is most maddening is that – at the end of the day – it wouldn’t be THAT hard to fix.  Public financing of campaigns for starters.  But something even more radical is needed; radical and yet common sensical: a license to vote.

Would you let an uneducated, unlicensed doctor operate on you?  Would you get in a car with a driver who is unlicensed/too stupid to know how to drive a car?  How would you like completely uneducated yahoos serving as teachers for your kids or nieces/nephews?

If we can all accept/agree that some things are just too important to be left in the hands of un-educated ignoramuses, why on earth do we allow them to perform THE most important function in a so-called democracy?   Fuck the voter ID laws, what we need are voter licensing laws.  You shouldn’t get a “Voting License” unless or until you can pass a simple test showing you have not only a basic understanding of our system of governance, but that you also don’t believe patently stupid things and/or egregious lies. 

Beyond knowing, for example, that there are three branches of government in the U.S. and what their basic functions are, you should also be able to know which parties have, for example, presided over the most economic growth, which have created significant current policies, etc.  Don’t know any of this stuff?  Well, boo hoo, go get your “learner’s manual” like you do for a driver’s license and study it until you DO know it.  Then, if you still want to be a hateful, misogynist, racist, knock yourself out.  At least you then had to do a little work to be allowed the franchise!