
Immigrants: The Real Americans

Am I the only one who's appalled at the ongoing obsession with "immigrants?" Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should just open the floodgates and let anyone and everyone move here that wants to; I know that's not feasible on several different levels.

However, the savagery with which all the slack-jawed, gap-toothed, inbred yokels rant against them is astonishing--particularly when you consider America's relatively unique circumstances as a Nation of Immigrants. There's no way you can spin the fact that, outside of however few full-blooded Native Americans are left, EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. in this country is descended from immigrants.

I've actually traced my roots, and have found multiple branches that go back to VERY early arrivals in N. America - from as early as 1712. But I would never presume to claim that I have any more "right" to live here than even a second-generation "American." And what's most appalling is that a vast majority of "immigrants" have a MUCH higher appreciation and regard for what it means to be an American than most any of these savage, gun-toting freaks hurling racial epithets all over the place.

Here's a great example: the following exchange is from a recent "Harper's" magazine forum wherein they gathered some ad execs to, somewhat tongue in cheek, develop a Super Bowl Commercial for America - trying to restore pride in our country, etc. The folks got into a discussion about immigrants and check out this story:

Williamson: For one account I worked on, we interviewed a guy on the street. One question was
about the American Dream. He was like, “You’ve got to be an immigrant to appreciate the American Dream. Americans don’t appreciate the American Dream.” And that’s the sentiment
we’re talking about.

Frank: Florida’s new senator, Marco Rubio, sort of said this in his speech on election night. It was
very impressive. I’ll probably never vote for the man, but what a speaker.

Fair: Perfect example: I’m in a cab a couple weeks ago, and the driver hands me a sheet of paper. He says, “Can you please read this to me?” And I say, “You have been summoned . . .” And he’s like, “I have been summoned?” And I’m like, “Look, really—pay attention to the road.” He’s excited that he gets to go to court! I’m like, “Dude, you’ve gotta go to court.” He asks, “For what?” I say, “I don’t know, it says you’ve gotta be here.” “What day? Can you please tell me?”
And he had a full calendar, like, “Can you please circle the date for me so I can go to court?” I say, “Yeah, you’ve gotta be here at this time. I’ll write the time down. You cannot be late.” “I will not be late!” I’m like, if you were an American cab driver we’d be sitting here talking about how you could get out of going.

Fitzloff: Was it jury duty or was he actually getting a summons?

Fair: He was getting a summons! I asked him, “Dude, you know you’re getting sued. Did you kick
this lady out of a cab?” “No, I didn’t kick her out of the cab.” We had this whole conversation. But the bigger thing for him was, “I get to go to court!”

Fitzloff: Imagine if it was jury duty. He’d be out of his tree.

Fair: I told him, “Dude, I would not be excited. This is the one moment when you don’t want to
go.” He’s like, “Is there going to be a judge there?” It was that whole process for him. He
felt like he was an American. He’s waving the summons around, going, “Only in America do I
get one of these.”

That's right, baby - only in America can you get a summons for kicking some lady out of your cab!

I know part of the anti-immigrant fervor is simple ignorance and fear of "the other" (thanks again, GOPigs, for making that such a prominent plank of your "idiotology"). For those of you who missed it, click HERE to hear the appallingly racist bit from Rush Limbaugh mocking the Chinese President's recent speech.

When mild-mannered CA state Sen. Leland Yee had the gall to be offended by this, and suggested a boycott of advertisers on Limbaugh's show, how do you think "dittoheads" responded? I mean, what could be more American than protesting by refusing to support businesses that support racist hate? Oh wait, I know what could be more American: death threats!

That's right, rather than step up and try to "counter" Lee's suggested boycott by encouraging right-wing racists to more fervently support those advertisers/sponsors, Lee received a fax with a litany of racist comments and a drawing of a noose. Later, he received another fax that said, "Yo, fishface," with a drawing of a bloody shirt in the crosshairs of a gun sight (thanks again, Sarah Palin!).

As it so happens, Yee has recieved death threats in the past for having the gall to regulate (not ban) violent video games. Yep, for real: "If you regulate violent video games, I'll kill you!"

And the most disgusting and appalling thing about this is that these kind of threats come from slimy assholes who have the chutzpah to claim THEY are "real" Americans. It makes me sick.


Deep thoughts, cheap shots, and bon mots - XII

Okay, so I only caught the last few minutes of it, but this show "Million Dollar Money Drop" or whatever looks like about the stupidest thing I've seen on TV in awhile - probably only coz I rarely see TV, but still. The ridiculous simpering and posing and "thinking aloud" dialogue between the couple, the overly-dramatic anguish as they try to ascertain if there are more single women today than 100 years ago, the ridiculously long, "dramatic" pause as they wait to see if their answer is right while they hold hands and tell each other they love each other even if they lose the $60K or however much it was. Just stupid beyond belief.

But before you decide I'm too cynical, I will say that my sense of humor can still override my cynicism! Case in point: A Depends commercial where they profile this successful older female music conductor. There's all this, "People may not know that Sally is blah blah this successful this and blah blah this successful that," while they show her being a superwoman.

Then she talks to the camera and says "What people DON'T need to know about is my condition." You know, the condition that requires her to wear diapers. So let me get this straight: this woman just told a camera that will broadcast her "secret" to millions of people that they don't need to know what she just told them? I mean, all you can do is laugh at something like that. Hahahahahahaha.

A few more ads: Cynicism: an ad from the Methodist Church? Seriously? A church running TV ads? I felt dirty for them just watching it! Non-cynicism: the Advil ads which are a series of quick shots of people holding the Advil box and smiling. Maybe it's the sheer number of people smiling in a row, but it always makes me smile. I like it!

And at least they have more dignity than the contestants on The Price is Right. I mean, seriously, to act SO crazy-ass bat-shit stupid at the possibility of winning a jet ski? I must REALLY be out of touch with the "average" American. Boo-hoo.

I heard this great line the other day from this guy talking about the stupid Republican Congressman grandstanding by reading the U.S. Constitution aloud - that is, except for the parts that refer to Blacks as 3/5ths of a person. What's the point? We only want to highlight the shiny, awesome aspects of our history? Grow up!

It's as stupid as the "new" edition of Huckleberry Finn that conveniently replaces all the "N words" with the word slave. Like that will make sense in context. Anyway, this reporter was like, "Don't hide your ugly bits. America! It's okay to be seen without your makeup - people will still want to fuck you coz you're rich!" Amen!

What REALLY keeps my cynicism intact, however, is the ongoing cynicism of the rabid right. They've spent years now TOTALLY hyperbolizing the political debate - making up the stupidest and most outrageous lies, stoking the left into fits of rage, and then when that psycho guns down one of Sarah Palin's targets, they try to act like "both sides" need to tone down the rage.

Ridiculous beyond belief. Yes, there has been rage among the left: but for REAL things (e.g., being led to war under false pretenses, abandoning our principles and morality to torture people, continuing to pander to the rich while the economy collapses, etc.). But, sorry to have to explain this to you ignorant yahoos: those things are NOT comparable to the MADE UP shit that the right rages about: Obama wasn't born in this country! Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are Socialists! Woodrow Wilson set in motion a plot to destroy this country nearly a hundred years ago and it's just now coming to fruition!

And my god, the socialist nightmare of trying to "promote the general welfare" as dictated in our Constitution by passing an industry-friendly mild tinkering of our health care system?? HORRORS! How DARE they strip me of my right to be rejected by an insurance company for a pre-existing condition (e.g., pregnancy). This is what TOTALITARIANISM looks like! Poor Kyle, I am SO sorry you are going to have to live under a system in which you are less likely to be refused access to health care. My GAWD, why did the Socialists do this to us? (Thanks Tom Tomorrow!)

To end on a happy note, I did get a break from cynical political despair by being able to spend time with the sweetest little girl in the world - my 3-year-old niece, Auburn, who came to visit with her mom/my sis and a couple of their friends. It was nice to see San Francisco again through a visitor's eyes, and also to listen to a sweet little girl prattle on about truly important things like Cinderella and Katy Perry's "California Gurls." Rock on, sweetie - you make the world a ltitle brighter by your presence!


You Say You Want a Revolution?

So as any regular reader of my blog (and more) know I've been growing increasingly disgusted by what passes for "political debate" and "governance" in this country.

Well, this year, I've decided to perhaps try doing something about it. I'd like to form a new political movement - not necessarily just as a counter-weight to that stupid Tea Party movement, but to address ever-growing schisms, irrationality, and corruption in our national policies and debate.

Yes, I know it's hard, and it might not be successful, but I'm sick of feeling powerless and enraged. I'm sick of seeing un-educated, racist, slack-jawed, evil yokels controlling the debate and getting attention. And I honestly do believe it's still possible in this day and age to make a difference if you can get enough people involved and keep them engaged.

While there are many issues that need to be addressed (hello? we're all on the verge of an eco-disaster), I primarily want to focus on one issue that I feel will have a significant impact all across the board: from the ridiculous and preventable economic catastrophe we're having to the eco-catastrophe we're still facilitating--from the ludicrous promotion of corporate "rights" over individual rights to the shitty way we treat kids in this country and demonize science and education.

That issue is money in the political process. As you may or may not be aware, the incoming House Republicans are hosting a FUNDRAISER the day before they even take office! Seriously? Leaving aside the hole they'd be ripping Democrats for doing the same thing, I will certainly validate their rationalizations that it's just a "necessary evil" in the current system.

So let's change the system. I'm not suggesting this would be a "one-issue" movement, and/or that other, relative issues won't be addressed. I'm just using the issue of money in the political process (via campaign donations, PACs, lobbyists, etc.) as the foundation.

I also hope to ATTEMPT to "dial back" a bit on the dialogue--I know I'm guilty, too, but everyone just screaming at each other is not going to help.

I think, too, one of the ways to be successful is to focus this new group (let's just call it "The Grand Coalition" for a placeholder for now) on reaching out to all the awesome orgs out there that are doing stuff now and build a cohesive movement.

With all that being said, however, I know I can't do this on my own. So I'm looking to see who is interested in helping, joining, planning, whatever. I talk to and hear from A LOT of people who claim to be as fed up and disgusted with the current situation as I am. But I don't know how many of those people are willing to quit watching "Dancing with the Stars" long enough to actually do something.

So I'm asking: Who's with me? Who wants to help me launch this, who wants to be heavily involved, who wants to be on an e-mail list to be kept in the loop to maybe become involved, or what? Please respond by commenting below or e-mail me at: pcdavidw@hotmail.com to "sign on" - I'll put this up a couple of weeks in a row to see what happens and then plan a launch party or event or whatever in February.

Don't think you need to be living in the Bay Area. For this movement to be successful, we'll need help from all over!

Now let's see what happens.